How do I display all users currently logged on to CA-TPX Session Manager?
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How do I display all users currently logged on to CA-TPX Session Manager?


Article ID: 11435


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


How do I display all users currently logged on to CA-TPX Session Manager?


Release: NVINAM00200-5.4-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


You can display all users currently logged on to CA-TPX through the TPXOPER command D U.


                             User Summary
---- Status ----- Total Max User
Active Inactive Users Limit
00004 00000 00004 00000

Userid Terminal Status Act User Name
DDDD011 termidn1 ACT/SESS 004 user1 name
GGGG033 termidn2 ACT/SESS 005 user2 name
TTTT055 termidn3 ACT/SESS 004 user3 name
SSSS077 termidn4 ACT/SESS 003 user4 name


This command displays information for CA-TPX userids and their associated terminals and application sessions. You can display the sessions of one user by entering D U=<userid>. If the userid is logged on to multiple terminals, you must specify the terminal with the MUT=<termid> operand.