What is an UFO error report?
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What is an UFO error report?


Article ID: 11434


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What is an UFO error report and when is it created?
How do I identify an error report?
Why should I delete an error report and how do I delete it?


What is an Error Report and When is an Error Report Created?

An error report is written to an IOX data space when certain errors are encountered in an UFO application Display Definition (DD) or Procedure (PDS). Typically, these errors occur when developing application screens and procedures (i.e., coding errors).

The UFO UFOINIT Table (module/phase UFLAIN32) determines the IOX data space where error reports are to be written. The UFOINIT USFSPCE parameter designates the optional IOX data space to be used for user files and user reports and is also the primary target for UFO generated error reports. If no USFSPCE parameter is specified, error reports are written to the user IOX data space designated by the UFOINIT parameter, USCSPCE, that contains the UFO application components.

The name of each error report is generated when it is created. An error report can be identified by its name:       ttttxERR

Where: tttt the terminal id which encountered the error
xERR ?DERR? if the error is in a Display Definition (DD)
?PERR? if the error is in a Procedure (PDS)

Here is an example of a screen display when a P12 error is detected in a PDS:

PROCEDURE COMPILATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS                      PR12 E MYPDS(6/***); Field UNKNOWN is undefined. . .MS45  <end-of-report>REPORT: U058PERR FUNCTION: TOP      COLUMNS: 01 01 PAGE: ...1

See the REPORT: line above. "U058PERR" is the name of the error report that is created on the IOX data space. In this case, the terminal id is "U058" and the error occurred in a procedure ("PERR").

What Error Reports Exist?

There are a number of ways to determine what error reports exist in the IOX data space.

The following option will list all of the reports on a specified IOX data space:

  • Online UFOPAGEP utility, option "C TO OBTAIN A LIST OF ALL REPORTS" .

The following options will list all of the reports and files on a specified IOX data space:

    • Batch IOXMAINT utility LISTCAT command.
    • Online UFOLISTC utility.
  • Online IOXU transaction option "5. List directory".

Why Delete Error Reports?

The number of error reports created is totally dependent on the number of errors encountered while developing/revising an UFO application. The error reports have no purpose after the application has been built except to identify that an error that required an application correction occurred. Unless the error reports are deleted, they will remain on the IOX data space indefinitely, potentially causing the IOX data space to grow and become fragmented as space is wasted.

How to Delete Error Reports?

There are a variety of ways to delete an error report.


    • To avoid the creation of another/new error report, when an error occurs, enter "PURGE" so that it is immediately deleted.

      As an example, given the following PR12 error screen display:

      PROCEDURE COMPILATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS                      PR12 E MYPDS(6/***); Field UNKNOWN is undefined. . . MS45  <end-of-report>REPORT: U058PERR FUNCTION: TOP      COLUMNS: 01 01 PAGE: ...1

      Over type "TOP" with "PURGE" in the "FUNCTION:" area to purge this error report immediately:

      PROCEDURE COMPILATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS                      PR12 E MYPDS(6/***); Field UNKNOWN is undefined. . . MS45  <end-of-report>REPORT: U058PERR FUNCTION: PURGE    COLUMNS: 01 01 PAGE: ...1

  • Delete one at-a-time using the UFOPAGE utility option "D TO PURGE A SPECIFIC REPORT".

Batch, using the IOXMAINT utility:

    • Exclude error reports when creating a BACKUP so that the error reports will not exist on the data space backup and, thus, will not be restored.

    • Exclude error reports during the RESTORE to a new data space.

  • Exclude error reports during a COPY of files from/to a data space.

To exclude all error reports during the BACKUP, RESTORE or COPY, use the REJECT option with a wildcard (/) specification: REJECT '/////ERR'

Additional Information

For more information on the UFO IOX data space, UFOINIT table, and the IOXMAINT and IOXUTIL utilities, refer to CA UFO Reference Manual IOX and to UFO Reference Manual: Customization and Operation.

For more information on the UFO report and PAGE system, refer to the UFO Application Programmer Guide.

For more information on other UFO utilities, refer to the UFO Utilities manual.