Are there any compatibility issues with Easytrieve Plus Report Generator release 6.4 and COBOL 5.2 ?
Easytrieve Plus Report Generator release 6.4 0311 and COBOL release 5.2
There are no PTFs required for Easytrieve Plus Report Generator release 6.4 specifically for COBOL 5.2.
Starting with COBOL 5.1, we have PTF RO81061 to resolve a problem calling COBOL 5.n subprograms.
For the CBLCNVRT feature, RO84144 and RO86314 are required for COBOL 5.n compatibility.
Please note:
RO85217 CBLCNVRT COBOL PARAMETER TO SUPPORT COBOL V5.X has been superseded by RO86314,
so RO85217 does not need to be received and applied.