VS plugin 64 bits version
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VS plugin 64 bits version


Article ID: 114215


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CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister CA Harvest Software Change Manager


In the 13.0.3 release of CA SCM there are both 32 and 64 bits versions of most of the tools (agent, client, workbench...). But regarding Visual Studio plugin there is only one (32 bit). 

How could we get the 64 bit version of the Harvest plugin for Visual Studio ?


CA Harvest Software Change Manager v13.0.3 and up


Our Harvest plugin for Visual Studio is 32bit.
As per the time of writing this document, Visual Studio is a 32bit applicacion that may be installed on either 32 or 64bit platforms. 

On 64 bit systems, Visual Studio is installed under:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 

On 64bit systems the \Program Files (x86)\ folder contains 32-bit programs and because Visual Studio is a 32-bit application, when it is installed on a 64-bit system, it runs under WOW64.