I have installed CA Endevor V18 from the PAX files, how can I upgrade to inc12?
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I have installed CA Endevor V18 from the PAX files, how can I upgrade to inc12?


Article ID: 11413


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


I have installed Endevor v18 inc00. How to upgrade to inc12 ?


Endevor 18.0 0000 GA


There are two  PTFS from which to choose from to upgrade to v18 inc12.

RO99861 is to be applied to the Endevor Base.

RO99862 is to be applied to Endevor Web Services.     

Additional Information

The PTFS are designed to perform two tasks:

1 – It will update the foreground panels and the report heading to include the version number which in this case will be 18.0.12.

2 – All enhancement and fix maintenance PTFS that are published at this time will a pre-requisite for the PTFS.  This will ensure that once this PTF is applied one‘s installation will be update for inc12.  

As with any maintenance, we suggest you apply all available published PTF's in addition to the release PTF.