In many cases, customers have set up a PROMMAC table to execute various CNTL commands at InterTest startup. One possible use is set up automatic region wide monitoring of all application programs that may execute in a CICS region; possibly to test and QA programs prior to moving them into production. At the same time, however, this may hinder development since monitoring some programs may lead to unnecessary breakpoints of different types and prevent effective testing during this verification phase. A way to avoid this is to incorporate commands into the PROMMAC to exclude various programs from being automatically monitored by InterTest.
I have a large number of programs I would like to exclude from monitoring by CA InterTest for CICS. Does an InterTest "PROMMAC" table allow generic wildcarding or do I need to list the programs individually?
In many cases, customers want to monitor entire CICS regions in order to test new applications before moving them into production. However, monitoring all programs may hinder development since monitoring some programs may lead to unnecessary breakpoints of different types and prevent effective testing during this verification phase. A way to avoid this is to incorporate commands into the PROMMAC to exclude various programs from being automatically monitored by InterTest.
A CA InterTest for CICS PROMMAC table will allow generic wildcarding for programs and transactions that begin with a common set of characters. The generic values can be carried out as far as necessary.
The following sample PROMMAC source statements will:
PROMMAC 'CNTL=START,PROM=20,PROX=40' <== Takes effect when InterTest starts.
PROMMAC 'CNTL=ON,PROG=.ALL' <== Monitor an entire CICS region
PROMMAC 'CNTL=EXCL,PROG=(ASM*)' <== Exclude all programs that begin with "ASM"
PROMMAC 'CNTL=EXCL,PROG=(PL1*)' <== Exclude all programs that begin with "PL1"
PROMMAC 'CNTL=EXCL,PROG=(CEE*)' <== Exclude all programs that begin with"CEE"
PROMMAC 'CNTL=EXCL,PROG=(P1*,IDX*,TM*)' <== Exclude all programs beginning with P1, IDX, and TM
PROMMAC 'CNTL=EXCL,PROG=(TS23TS23)',END <== Exclude this specific program
Please note the ",END" on the last "PROMMAC" statement that denotes the end of the PROMMAC control statements followed by the "END" on the next line to mark the finish of the macro.
There is no specific name for a PROMMAC as long as it is a valid 8 character (maximum) program name. For this example, the PROMMAC is called INTRTABL. To automatically invoke INTRTABL at InterTest startup, the following additional steps are necessary:
Sample JCL and source statements used to create a PROMMAC as well as the necessary steps to reassemble and link IN25OPTS can be found under the sections entitled "Use the PROMMAC Macro" and "CICS Options" in the following documentation: