net_connect probe ping mechanism
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net_connect probe ping mechanism


Article ID: 11381


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


This KB provides details on how the net_connect ping mechanism works 


UIM : any version

probe: net connect


When the probe is enabled to execute a ICMP connectivity test (ping) by default the probe already executes one ping and this we will call X.

X =1

If you configure the "Retries interval" we will call Y

This mean the probe will work like X + Y

If the retries interval is = 6 the probe will execute 1 + 6 the total ping will be 7.

If the probe is able to get a value on the first ping the probe will just check the next ping on the next interval but if the probe doesn’t get value for the ping the probe will try 7 times if all the retries fail the probe will try on the next interval.