How to Reset the OrientDB Root Password for TDM Portal
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How to Reset the OrientDB Root Password for TDM Portal


Article ID: 113767


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


TDM Portal uses the OrientDB for some operations. OrientDB is installed/configured during the TDM Portal installation.
Should the OrientDB root user's password be forgotten, or otherwise required to be reset, these are the instructions on how to accomplish this within OrientDB and the necessary configuration changes for TDM Portal.

The TDMDataReservation.log might show:
[ERROR] [Catalina-utility-4       ] --- [U:][M:][P:]                  c.c.t.d.DataReservationJobLoader:  Exception caught while loading Data Reservation Job 
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSecurityAccessException: Wrong user/password to [connect] to the remote OrientDB Server instance


TDM Portal (All releases)


  1. Stop the CA Test Data Manager Portal Services
  2. Stop the OrientDB service
  3. Edit C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\orientdb\config\orientdb-server-config.xml and delete the following lines:
    • <user resources="*" password="{algorithm}ENCRYPTEDSTRING" name="root"/>
    • <isAfterFirstTime>true</isAfterFirstTime>
  4. Save the file.
  5. Open a command prompt and run as administrator.
  6. cd C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\orientdb\bin
  7. run: server.bat
  8. When prompted, type the new root password
  9. Open a second command prompt and run as administrator
  10. cd C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\orientdb\bin
  11. Optional: confirm that OrientDB works properly by running:

    console.bat "connect localhost root <password>;list databases"

    replace <password> accordingly.

    The output will be similar to this:
    OrientDB console v.2.2.33 (build 77584cd6827f647cf4aa231cf27bd6f10bc04e2c, branch 2.2.x)
    Type 'help' to display all the supported commands.
    Installing extensions for GREMLIN language v.2.6.0

    orientdb> connect localhost root password

    Connecting to remote Server instance [localhost] with user 'root'...OK
    orientdb {server=remote:localhost/}> list databases

    Found 1 databases:

    * ReservationDB (plocal)
  12. run: shutdown.bat -p password
    The orientdb server running in the first command prompt should now exit and return to the command prompt.
  13. cd C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\service\bin
  14. run: EncryptionUtil.bat -p
  15. Enter and Re-Enter the new password that was set for the root users in OrientDB in step 8.
  16. Copy the Encrypted password including the "{cry}" prefix:
    Encrypted password:{cry}nGG5TNki5fYGyTgHSctDnIg7UcctXw9Coebal43J8+5y
  17. Edit C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\conf\
  18. Update the graphdb_root_password line accordingly:
  19. Save the file
  20. Edit C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\conf\
    Update the graphdb_root_password line accordingly:
    Save the file
  21. Start the OrientDB service
  22. Start the CA Test Data Manager Portal service

Additional Information

Instructions were partially taken from OrientDB documentation and modified to TDM's needs accordingly.

Use the Encryption Utility to Encrypt Passwords ( command.