There are times that Software Delivery does not function as expected, for no obvious reason and often these strange issues or job status problems can be resolved simply by running some maintenance tasks manually or in an automated fashion via the Winoffline.exe utility*.
How to perform a DTS / Software Delivery Cleanup manually or via Winoffline utility?
Manual Way
1. Delete or unseal any Job Containers currently active. (Very Important and not optional)
2. Stop CAF services ("CAF STOP & CAF KILL ALL")
3. In the "..\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\DATABASE\ftm_journals" folder, create a sub-folder called CLEANSTART
4. Make sure "..\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\D" is empty.
5. "..\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate" should have only a 'scripts' and 'lgzip' folder and also a '' file. Delete any other item (You should never do this if there are ANY active job containers!)
6. Make sure that "..\CA\DSM\DTS\DTA\Staging" is empty.
7. Make sure that "..\CA\DSM\DTS\DTA\Status" contains only a zero-length file called 'Index' with no extension.
8. If the file 'INDEX' exists and is larger than '0 kb' then open it with notepad, perform 'select all', delete the content and then save. (It's ok if it shows as 1kb at this point)
9. Delete "..\CA\DSM\appdata\cfnotsrvd.dat" file
10. Browse to "..\CA\DSM\ServerDB\swjorder"
11. Remove all folders and .cof files, leaving .xml files behind.
12. Run "camclose & cam start -c -l".
13. Run "CAF START".
14. Confirm that the folder created in step #3 has been deleted by the system now.
Automated Way
Place a copy of Winoffline.exe in an empty folder on the Scalability Server or Domain Manager system you wish to cleanup. It will auto-apply any patches it finds, so make sure it is the only thing in the folder to prevent unintentional patch application.
Launch Winoffline as administrator (You can get Winoffline from the Communities or Support**)
Leaving all items at their default values, click Next.
Scroll down the list of advanced options to find the item called ' -cleanserver:Perform Scalability server cleanup' and put a check in the box beside it. If you do not see this option in your version, please download a new build from the CA communities website**
Now click 'Start' to begin the automated process.
When complete the window will auto-close or otherwise indicate it is done and can be closed.
**Winoffline can be obtained by searching for it in communities or may still be available here:
Latest WinOffline
This Procedure can be run any time a Software Delivery problem is suspected or as a periodic preventative maintenance. If any problem persists after taking this action, a customer support ticket should be opened containing the details of the situation and mentioning that this process has already been run.