Rally Project, Release, Iteration, Portfolio Items and Objectives Custom Type: Naming Best Practice
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Rally Project, Release, Iteration, Portfolio Items and Objectives Custom Type: Naming Best Practice


Article ID: 113749


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Portfolio Items and Objectives support custom naming. In Workspace Detail,  you can specify display labels for Project, Release, and Iteration. Which names should we avoid?  


Ideally, any name that corresponds to an existing WSAPI endpoint should be avoided.  When you create a new portfolio item type, it generates a new endpoint for the REST API which can cause conflicts with existing endpoints.


The following names and their plural variations (i.e.: Program and Programs) should be avoided as well as custom types that have already been created.  (For example, if there is a Portfolio Item type named Feature in your workspace, do not create an Objective type named Feature).  This list can be found in the WSAPI documentation for rally1.rallydev.com (or WSAPI documentation for eu1.rallydev.com), and also listed below:  

  •   AllowedAttributeValue
  •   AllowedQueryOperator
  •   Artifact
  •   ArtifactNotification
  •   Attachment
  •   AttachmentContent
  •   AttributeDefinition
  •   Blocker
  •   Build
  •   BuildDefinition
  •   Change
  •   Changeset
  •   Connection
  •   ConversationPost
  •   CumulativeFlowData
  •   Defect
  •   DefectSuite
  •   DeliveryGroup
  •   DomainObject
  •   Expertise
  •   ExpertiseCapacity
  •   ExpertiseDemand
  •   Feature (ex. FeatureGroup, GroupFeature)
  •   FlowState
  •   HierarchicalRequirement
  •   Investment
  •   Iteration
  •   IterationCumulativeFlowData
  •   Milestone
  •   Objective
  •   PersistableObject
  •   PortfolioItem
  •   PortfolioItem/Project
  •   PortfolioItemPredecessorRelationship
  •   PPMConnection
  •   Preference
  •   PreliminaryEstimate
  •   ProfileImage
  •   Program
  •   Project
  •   ProjectPermission
  •   PullRequest
  •   RankableArtifact
  •   RecycleBinEntry
  •   Release
  •   ReleaseCumulativeFlowData
  •   Requirement
  •   Revision
  •   RevisionHistory
  •   Risk
  •   SchedulableArtifact
  •   SCMRepository
  •   Scope
  •   ScopedAttributeDefinition
  •   Slice
  •   State
  •   Subscription
  •   Tag
  •   Task
  •   TestCase
  •   TestCaseResult
  •   TestCaseStep
  •   TestFolder
  •   TestSet
  •   TimeEntryItem
  •   TimeEntryValue
  •   TypeDefinition
  •   User
  •   UserIterationCapacity
  •   UserPermission
  •   UserProfile
  •   WebLinkDefinition
  •   Workspace
  •   WorkspaceConfiguration
  •   WorkspaceDomainObject
  •   WorkspacePermission

Additional Information

Please be aware this list may not be exhaustive and the API is constantly evolving so new endpoints are occasionally created; additional names may be added later

keywords: agile central rally