Exception Error when Saving a Project back from OWB
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Exception Error when Saving a Project back from OWB


Article ID: 113682


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Clarity PPM On Premise


When attempting to save a project back to PPM, the following exception error is thrown:

'Unable to save project CA PPM\<project Id>. An exception occured. '

The OWB Console log also contains an error similar to the following: 

09:57:14.221 ProjectExporter.saveAssociatedObjects(): Saving 38 assignment object(s) 
at com.abtcorp.io.repostream.exporters.AssignmentExporter.isTracked(Unknown Source) 
at com.abtcorp.io.repostream.exporters.AssignmentExporter.isSaveException(Unknown Source)

This error occurs for any user attempting to save this particular project. However, other projects are able to save back to OWB without an error.


This error usually indicates that the Track Mode on one (or more) resource on the project team is blank. 


OWB requires that all resources have a Track Mode. If a resource does not have a track mode - a track mode of None, Other or PPM will need to be selected for that resource. 

To find the resource missing a Track Mode:

1. Open the affected project in OWB
2. Go to the Project tab
3. Click on 'Edit View'
4. Select the 'Tracking Mode' under the Resource Information
5. Add this field to the Resource section of the View and click OK
Once the resource has been identified, the Track Mode will need to be updated in Clarity on the Resource Properties for that resource under Home - Resources. 

Additional Information

KB000014905: Why does an exception occur when a project is saved in Open Workbench for some users but not for others?