CA Identity Manager: Unable to modify Active Directory templates 0x0011 Undefined attribute type
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CA Identity Manager: Unable to modify Active Directory templates 0x0011 Undefined attribute type


Article ID: 113681


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


When trying to modify or clone account templates, it fails with an error that they cannot be changed due to a specific attribute. For example: 

Active Directory Account Template 'account_template' modification failed: DB Modify failed: eTADSlyncSIPAddressOption 

In the etatrans log you'll see something like this:
rc:  0x0011 (Undefined attribute type)
msg: :ETA_E_0007<MPO>, Active Directory Account Template 'template' modification failed: DB Modify failed: eTADSlyncSIPAddressOption (ldaps://provserver:20391)

The attribute name may be different than eTADSlyncSIPAddressOption, it could be any attribute name. 


Component: IDMGR


The reason for this error is that your CA Directory schema for the account template is missing the attribute. This may happen if the template was modified from its out of the box version, or if you upgraded your environment and moved an old schema file into a new environment. Sometimes additional attributes are added to templates in newer versions of the product. 


To fix this, you'll have to download the installation media for your current version of Identity Manager and replace your modified or old schema file with the out of the box file, or merge your current modified file with the out of the box version to add the missing attributes. 

You can find the schemas under CA\Directory\dxserver\config\schema 

The Active Directory schema is etrust_ads, but this may happen with any endpoint type - all endpoint types are in this folder and labeled.