Record one way SSL HTTPS Service using VSE Recorder
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Record one way SSL HTTPS Service using VSE Recorder


Article ID: 113679


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


This document shows how  to record a HTTPS  (one-way SSL) service using a Test Case and the VSE Recorder


All supported DevTest releases.




Steps to Follow:

1. Create a  Rest / Web Service  Step in Workstation , 
Validate that you are able to hit the live Endpoint.

2.  Start the VSE Recorder
Provided basic information about what is to be recorded :  VSM/VSI  names
select the appropriate protocol(s) involved.  HTTP
Click Next 

Provided the listen host,  host name and port of the target server 

Listen : 8001
Target Host :
Target Post : 8443

Enabled " Use SSL to Server"  -  If checked, sends HTTPS (secured layer) request to the Server. 
Click next and we are ready to Record.

3. Modify the Rest /WS Step to point to the Recorder (localhost or VSERecorderHost) instead of the Live endpoint.    
For One-way SSL,   the VSE recorder is acting as the Client that  sends HTTPS request to the Sever  

The flow is
Testcase  sends ( HTTP  call to the)-> Recorder -> (HTTPS) -> sever

URL now becomes:
Execute the call, and VSE recorder now captures the transaction. 

4. During Playback:
VS is acting as Server.  So in the Listen Step, we enabled  " SSL to Client"    
Saved, and then Deployed the VSM 

You should be able to send a HTTPS request this VS using your Testcase or any other client.  

To Deploy the Service to a remote VSE Server,  you would change the  client Hostname to where the VS Host is.  
URL now becomes:
Execute the call, and VSE recorder now captures the transaction.