Please Note that the steps here are only for the EXACT error message described above.
Note there are many different types of Migrator failure errors, it is very important to ensure the error in your migrator log matches the one above.
Also note that the frame numbers may be different depending on which version you are upgrading from, so it is key to verify you have the correct frame numbers when modifying the console_movie.xml file. If you are unsure please contact CA Support and provide the migrator.log file the console_movie.xml file for review.
1. Open the console_movie.xml from the \CA\NFA\ directory.
2. Find the frame number in the error above. In this case it is 152.
Find the first frame after the frame that failed on that is not calling the "<sqlFileSource>D:\CA\NFA\reporter\sql\toVersion9_5_0\EnterpriseOverviewData.sql</sqlFileSource>" source file.
In the case above, it was frame 159. In that example change the <movie nextFrame="152"> to <movie nextFrame="159"> and save the file.
3. Open a cmd prompt window and cd to \CA\NFA\migrator and run: "RunMigrator.vbs". Wait a few minutes and check the \CA\NFA\migrator\migrator.log file to see if it finishes with exit code 0. If it exits with code 1 please send support the updated migrator.log, if it exits with code 0 move to step 4.
4. Log in to mysql with: