Is there an ACF2 equivalent/emulation to RACF RESTRICTED attribute?
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Is there an ACF2 equivalent/emulation to RACF RESTRICTED attribute?


Article ID: 113654


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Is there an ACF2 equivalent/emulation to RACF RESTRICTED attribute?


Component: ACF2MS


There are two ACF2 logonid fields that allow a site to provide 'RESTRICTED ACCESS' for 1) z/OS datasets and resources(since z/OS datasets and resources are protected by default) and 2) UNIX files and directories when using native UNIX security.

For Restricted access to z/OS datasets and resources the logonid LIMITED|NOLIMITED field can be set:

Specifies that a user has limited access to datasets and resources. LIMITED is the ACF2 equivalent to the RACF RESTRICTED attribute. A LIMITED user cannot access the datasets or resources if the applicable rule entry is a UID(*) ALLOW rule. Assigning LIMITED to a user also restricts access to UNIX files and directories as documented under the RSTDACC field. (Bit field)

For Restricted access UNIX files and directories when using native UNIX security the logonid RSTDACC|NORSTDACC field can be set:

Specifies that this user has restricted access to UNIX directories and files based on owner or group permissions, not on other permissions, when the user does not have at least read access to the UNIXPRIV resource, RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESS. (Bit field)