BulkLoader - Create Fails for One User
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BulkLoader - Create Fails for One User


Article ID: 113646


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CA Secure Cloud SaaS - Single Sign On CA Identity Manager


User # 72113579 fails to create during bulk upload with error in the event log as (Finished submitting tasks for execution. Total number of records is 1, whereas 1 failed to submit). The status shows it was audited, I'm not sure why it's failing to even create the IDM account for the user, all the data looks correct.


Component: IDMAS


I did find some evidence in the application server log that there was a problem with the bulk feed:

2018-08-22 23:43:44,864 ERROR [im.feeder] (bulk-loader thread-142) [facility=6 severity=3 reason=0 status=1 message=Bad attribute specified]

Unfortunately the log level is not detailed enough to provide any more information, so we only know that one of the attribute values was invalid, but we don't know which attribute/value was problematic.