Error SARDBI04 occurs during SARDBASE RENAME
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Error SARDBI04 occurs during SARDBASE RENAME


Article ID: 113621


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Deliver View


Attempting to rename a View database, with SARDBASE RENAME, failed with error:
SARDBI04 Data set rename failed - REQ=RENAME RC=0008 REASON=04100800


Release: OUTDTI00200-14.0-Deliver-Output Management-Interface for Native TSO


SARDBASE renames all data sets for the database.
The message SARDBI04 Data set rename failed - REQ=RENAME RC=0008 REASON=04100800 means insufficient authority to ALTER the dataset.
Check the job sysout for any message IGD17061I INSUFFICIENT SECURITY AUTHORIZATION. Return code is 8; DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION IS 04100800
The code 04100800 is issued when trying to rename the database, and the request is rejected.
Even if the user is authorized to uncatalog the dataset, this can happen, if the user does not have the authority to rename or catalog the dataset. This is expected.

Non-SMS datasets can be uncataloged when renaming them when user does not have sufficient authority.
This is not a CA View problem.


Give the right SAF (RACF) authority to the user trying to rename the database file.

Additional Information

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