When running awinstall, the execution of the aw_post_checks script the fails with the following error:
Starting at 09/11/18 07:56:06 script aw_post_checks
Finished at 09/11/18 07:56:10 Elapsed Time 00:00:04 script aw_post_checks
errors=ORA-20122: Login password has expired ORA-06512: at "APPWORX.AWAPI2", line 473 ORA-06512: at "APPWORX.AWAPI", line 428 ORA-06512: at "APPWORX.ADD_OS_USER", line 35 ORA-06512: at line 37
Fatal error trying to execute script aw_post_checks
Fatal error trying to execute script aw_post_checks
Fatal Error occurred - check the log /opt/am/install/aw_install.log