TPX - Session ManagementVman Session Management for z/OS
I'm running a TPX batch job trying to add and update profilesessions. But I'm getting the following message every time: TPBL1023 09/07/18.250 15:20:37.44 Close Parenthesis Required to End Parameter List I can't figure out why this is happening (i've used sample JCL BUPDPENT from CB0VSRC as a template. My JCL looks like this: //JNKOFTA JOB 2113-01T,'JNKOF',CLASS=T,REGION=6M, // MSGCLASS=Y,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //BATCHADM EXEC SCP3TPX,VNODE='*BATCH*' //*PXOUT DD DSN=JNKOF.SCP3TPX.DELSESS,DISP=SHR //TPXRPT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * ADD PROFILESESSION (Å0000696 EDIPSTL) UPDATE PROFILESESSION (Å0000696 EDIPSTL (PENTAPPL(SCP0CICS) PENTSCRP(MENUEF01) WSESLABL(ELEKTRONISK POSTHUS))) /* //
When updating a session label through TPX batch in either an ACT Table or Profile Session with blanks in the label you will need to use single quotes. See the example in the WSESLABL field ADD PROFILESESSION (Å0000696 EDIPSTL) UPDATE PROFILESESSION (Å0000696 EDIPSTL (PENTAPPL(SCP0CICS) PENTSCRP(MENUEF01) WSESLABL('ELEKTRONISK POSTHUS')) )