Spin loop after a S222 cancel of the Xmanager task
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Spin loop after a S222 cancel of the Xmanager task


Article ID: 113542


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Subsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Detector for DB2 for z/OS


In the process of bringing down a system to prepare for an IPL a cancel was issued by automation for the XMANAGER STC. 
After the 222 was issued the task took an abend S702 after that An excessive spin loop was then detected and the system was varied out of the plex 
after the set time interval expired. 


z/os DB2 R20


The problem is the stopping of the Xmanager address space with a S222 command.


The Xmanager should be stopped in a control manner. Here is a link to the documentation on Stopping Collections. Canceling with a S222 can have unpredictable results.

Stop Xmanager