Missing option to create a timesheet: Timesheets blank in PPM New UX
Article ID: 113482
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Clarity PPM SaaSClarity PPM On Premise
Some users are getting a blank screen in the CA Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) New User Experience (New UX) where the option to create a timesheet should be. The users are open for time entry with track mode of PPM.
If users are XOGed into PPM, versus added directly via the PPM application, this can be due to missing access rights.
Ensure the user has the following access rights:
Instance level:
Resource Enter-Time
Global Level:
Timesheets - Navigate
Note: In the PPM Application, the Resource Enter-Time right would have to be granted manually for each user to restrict their access to just their account.
In Classic PPM, go to Administration->Resources and click on the Resource missing the access
Select the 'Resource's Access Rights' tab then Instance
Click 'Add'
For Object, select 'Resource' and click 'Next'
Check the check box next to 'Resource Enter-Time' and click 'Add and Continue'
Check the check box next to the Resource the user should have the access for and click 'Add'