What are variables ZNEWS1, ZNEWS2, ZINCOMP1 and ZINCOMP2 used for in the TEN003/TEN1003 panel (TPX LOGO screen)? Can they be removed or modified?
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What are variables ZNEWS1, ZNEWS2, ZINCOMP1 and ZINCOMP2 used for in the TEN003/TEN1003 panel (TPX LOGO screen)? Can they be removed or modified?


Article ID: 11337


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


TPX can provide a customized summary message on the TPX Logo - screen/panel.

What are variables ZNEWS1, ZNEWS2, ZINCOMP1 and ZINCOMP2 used for in the TEN003 panel (TPX LOGO screen)? Can they be removed or modified?


TPX Release 5.4


Logo panel variables ZNEWS1 and ZNEWS2 may be used for displaying a brief message to users.

The information can be tailored / customized as needed. There are 2 ways to modify them.

  1. In the SMRT,  Option (8) Operational Parameters section at the bottom of the panel. 
  2. Option 'N' to "Modify Logo News in System Options Table", on the TPXADMIN main menu.

Only two lines are available for display at the LOGO screen using these 2 variables.

Variables ZINCOMP1 and ZINCOMP2 are used to handle any error messages that exceed the 2 lines already provided via ZNEWS1 and ZNEWS2. 

They are also used to display the prompt for "incompatibilities on session/transfer".

These two variables must be present and may not to be removed or used.