Log on multiple times to TPX with a single userid keeping all the logons active
Article ID: 11327
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TPX - Session ManagementVman Session Management for z/OS
It may be desirable (or required) for a single TPX userID to be able to log on to the product multiples times and work with those session menus concurrently. How to set up TPX to allow a single userID to access the product from multiple logons (concurrently)?
TPX® Session Management for z/OS
Vman Session Management for z/OS
This can be accomplished by changing the user's transfer option to MULT.
These are the steps to achieve it:
Select session TPXADMIN (self-maintenance) from the TPX menu
Select TPX User Options (Panelid - TEN0128)
Press PF8
Enter MULT on field Transfer Option
Press PF3 twice
Log off TPX
Log on to TPX various times (as needed) using the same userID.