Creating duplicate assets in ITAM
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Creating duplicate assets in ITAM


Article ID: 11320


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CA IT Asset Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


Why is it possible to create duplicate asset names in ITAM


Release: UAPMAC990JPP-11.3-Asset Portfolio Management-Asset Configuration and higher
Component:  IT Asset Manager


Unlike other CA applications such as CA Service Management and IT Change Management that also use CORA (Common Object Registration Application) to register assets (CIs) in the database, Asset name is not a field included in the UAPM CORA registration process.

In ITAM, only the following five fields are used by CORA to register assets. These five fields are treated much like a composite primary key and a combination of the following five fields make the asset unique. Asset name is not included as one of these 'CORA fields' so it is not used to determine uniqueness in UAPM. Thus, duplicate asset names are allowed in UAPM. 

Serial Number
Asset Tag (appearing as Alt Asset ID)
Host Name
Mac Address
DNS Name

In other CA products such as CA Service Management and IT Change Management the following six fields are used to register the asset (CI) in the database. 

Serial Number
Asset Tag (appearing as Alt Asset ID)
Host Name
Mac Address
DNS Name
Asset Label (Name) is included so it is used to determine uniqueness and is not allowed to be duplicated.