What Applications Manager Java processes run on a Linux server?
Release: Component: APPMGR
In a Linux environment, the CA Automic Applications Manager Master will have two Java processes and one c process:
The following is an example of the Java process representing the RmiServer: java -DAGENT=<Master Name> -Xmx1024m -DAW_HOME=$AW_HOME/<Master Name> -DOsType=UNIX -Dsun.rmi.server.exceptionTrace=true -Dappworx.Debug=true com.appworx.server.data.AxRmiServer
The following is an example of the Java process representing the Master' Agent: java -DAgentMgr=<Master Name>-DAWCOMM=DISABLE -DSTACK=ENABLED -DDebug=true -Dappworx.Debug=true -Xmx1024m -Doracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false -DAW_HOME=$AW_HOME/<Master Name>-DOsType=UNIX com.appworx.agent.AgentService
The following is an example of the awcomm c process: $AW_HOME/<Master Name>/c/awcomm <Master Name> <awcomm port>
Additional Information
More information about Applications Manager process can be found in the documentation link below: