BUNDL report content not entirely showing in WV 12.1
Article ID: 113192
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Output Management Document ViewerOutput Management Web Viewer
when 12.1 is compared to 11.5, some parts of a BUNDL report are NOT showing up in the WebViewer (the columns are listed in the report, but no data is shown) I have included a comparison in the attachment
Release: Component: WBVLUW
11.5 DRAS (required for supporting 5.0 Bundl) was never updated to appropriately process null and special data characters as were later versions of DRAS.
uploaded the test APAR ST05269 in files_from_ca ftp File Attachments. It is named ST05269.BIN and must be downloaded and moved to where it needs to go in binary mode. Applied to DRAS, the test fix resolved the problem. Eventually(after another test fix is confirmed), a published PTF will replace both test fixes.