Where can I find a list of the UFO online menus, components, and utilities?
This is the list and a brief description of the UFO online menus, online components, and online utilities.
UFOACB to create/update/review an ACB
UFOALST to print an ACB as a report
UFOASCTY to specify security code for an ACB
UFOBLDR to build a run-time request for a specific file
UFOCOLOR to specify color and highlighting attributes for a DD
UFOD menu for development systems
UFODD to create/review/update a Mode=2 DD
UFODDS to create/review/update a Mode=1 DDS
UFODDX to create/review/update a DDX
UFODDXI to create/review/update DDX interrupt key assignments
UFODDXR to create/review/update DDX report specifications
UFODDXS to specify access to an SQL/DB2 data base
UFODDXSA to specify the header for generated SQL commands
UFODDXSB to specify a generated SQL SELECT command
UFODDXSC to specify a generated SQL UPDATE command
UFODDXSD to enter a coded SQL DELETE command
UFODDXSE to specify a generated SQL INSERT command
UFODDXSI to enter a coded SQL INSERT command
UFODDXSS to enter a coded SQL SELECT command
UFODDXSU to enter a coded SQL UPDATE command
UFODLST to print a DD as a report named "DLST*"
UFODSCTY to set/review/update DD security codes
UFODSD to create/review/update a DSD
UFOD11 menu for processing display definitions
UFOD12 menu for processing procedures
UFOD13 menu for processing help lists
UFOD14 menu for processing menu definitions
UFOD15 menu for processing the data dictionary
UFOD17 menu for importing/exporting UFO applications
UFOD19 menu for processing field level validators
UFOD20 menu for processing procedures
UFOEDD to create/review/update display definitions
UFOEDIT to create/review/update procedures
UFOEI menu for executive inquiry system
UFOEXPRT to export any component of a UFO application to another system
UFOFD to review/update an FDS entry
UFOFDS to review/update all FDS entries for a DSD
UFOFDSBS to build an alternate index to the IOX file UFODICTM
UFOFDSPR to print all FDS entries for a DSD as a report named "FDS"
UFOFDSS to display field descriptions by start position
UFOFDSTR to change the start positions of adjacent fields in a FDS
UFOFDSV to display all FDS entries that have FLVs attaches
UFOFLV to create/review/update an FLV
UFOFSCTY to set/review/update DSD/FDS security codes
UFOHELP to review/update a help list
UFOHELPD to display a help list as with HELP function
UFOIMPRT to import any component of a UFO application from another system
UFOINIT menu for selecting UFOINIT table parameters to update/review
UFOINTGE to review/update UFOINIT general parameters
UFOINTPE to review/update UFOINIT performance parameters
UFOINTRE to review/update UFOINIT report parameters
UFOINTRL to review/update UFOINIT resident staging components
UFOINTSE to review/update UFOINIT security or accounting parameters
UFOINTSP to review/update UFOINIT spooler components
UFOINTSQ to review/update UFOINIT SQL/DB2 parameters
UFOINTST to review/update UFOINIT staging parameters
UFOINTTO to review/update UFOINIT TOTAL parameters
UFOJCLM to submit batch jobs from an online UFO session
UFOLISTA to list on screen all ACBs in a library
UFOLISTB to list the contents of the bridge file
UFOLISTC to list all allocated IOX datasets and reports
UFOLISTD to list on screen all DDs in a library
UFOLISTF to list on screen all DSD/FDS entries in a library
UFOLISTH to list on screen all help lists in a library
UFOLISTM to list on screen all menu definitions in a library
UFOLISTP to list on screen all procedures in a library
UFOLISTR to list on screen all run-time requests in a library
UFOLISTT to list on screen all reports
UFOLISTV to list on screen all FLV records in a library
UFOLISTX to list on screen all DDXs in a library
UFOM1M2 to convert Mode=1 DDS to Mode=2 DD format
UFOMAINT menu for selecting IOX maintenance utilities
UFOMENUX to review/update a menu definition
UFOMERGD to merge field specifications from one DD to another
UFOMNTAF to add a new file to an IOX data space
UFOMNTBA to build an alternate index to an IOX data space
UFOMNTDA to delete an alternate index to an IOX data space
UFOMNTDF to delete a file from an IOX data space
UFOMNTDR to delete a report from an IOX data space
UFOMNTLD to list the directory of an IOX data space
UFOMNTLF to list/alter the characteristics of an IOX file
UFOMNTLS to list the characteristics of an IOX file
UFOMNTRF to update the IOX repository free space statistic
UFOP menu for page system
UFOPAINT to paint a Mode=2 DD
UFOPDS to review/update a procedure (UFOEDIT recommended)
UFOPLST to print a procedure as a report names "PLST*"
UFOPRNTA to produce a report (PRTA*) of all ACBs in a library
UFOPRTNC to product a report (PRTC*) of all IOX datasets and reports
UFOPRTND to product a report (PRTD*) of all DDs in a library
UFOPRTNF to product a report (PRTF*) of all DSD/FDS entries in a library
UFOPRTNH to product a report (PRTH*) of all help lists in a library
UFOPRTNM to product a report (PRTM*) of all menu definitions in a library
UFOPRTNP to product a report (PRTP*) of all procedures in a library
UFOPRTNR to product a report (PRTR*) of all run-time requests in a library
UFOPRTNS to product a report (PRTS*) of all UFO statistics
UFOPRTNV to product a report (PRTV*) of all FLVs in a library
UFOPRTNX to product a report (PRTX*) of all DDXs in a library
UFOPSCTY to set/review/update security codes for a procedure
UFOPTFH to review the list of current PTFs applied
UFORUNX to review/update/execute executive inquiry run requests
UFOS menu for security system
UFOSCAN to search for cross-reference information
UFOSQDSC to list the column names in an SQL/DB2 table
UFOSQEXL to list all user-created non-query SQL commands
UFOSQLEX to create/update/execute non-query SQL commands
UFOSQLIQ to display all terminals currently connected to SQL via UFO
UFOSQLM menu for SQL Development/utility selection
UFOSQLR to display information about last SQL error
UFOSQLRC to display last SQL command executed during error
UFOSQLST to list all SQL-DDX records in the system
UFOSQLTR to invoke the SQL trace utility
UFOSQMX menu for processing SQL commands created with DDXS screens
UFOSS menu for system service system
UFOSTAGE to list information about staged components
UFOSTORE to display information about UFO storage needs and usage
UFOSYM to list information about applications and components resident in storage
UFOSYMPT to procedure a report of the information listed by UFOSYM
UFOTRMID to review terminal identification
UFOUNDO to un-pant a mode=2 DD, change it, and re-paint it
UFOVLST to produce a report for an FLV
UFOXLST to produce a report fir a DDX
UFOXSCTY to set/review/update DDX security codes