PMO does not manage PDS/e datasets, then why are they listed in PMO displays?
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PMO does not manage PDS/e datasets, then why are they listed in PMO displays?


Article ID: 11318


Updated On:


PMO Runtime Performance Optimizer


PMO does not manage PDS/e datasets, then why are they listed in PMO displays?


Release: 4.4


PMO provides toleration support for LNKLST and private library concatenations containing PDSE data sets.

PMO is unable to manage PDSE-type libraries due to PDSE structural characteristics. PMO now has a DESERV parameter that, when set, installs a Directory Entry Services exit that captures GET calls to intercept and resolve directory searches when a PDSE library is in the LNKLST or private library concatenation.

Required PTF:

Without QO80610, PMO will not manage any PDS's in a Private Library concatenation that are after a PDSE. When QO80610 is installed, PMO will manage the Private Libraries that follow a PDSE in a concatenation. But, PMO will still not manage the PDSE.

The D9 display lists candidate libraries in descending order by total number of searches. So the dataset is listed , because of the high number of searches.

However ultimately the library is marked as ineligible because it is a PDSE.