Executing a APCDOC DOCCHART and pointing to a Scheduler Job Management database and getting message CASUF905 START JOB NOT FOUND. I am not getting a flowchart. How do I correct this? error?
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Executing a APCDOC DOCCHART and pointing to a Scheduler Job Management database and getting message CASUF905 START JOB NOT FOUND. I am not getting a flowchart. How do I correct this? error?


Article ID: 11317


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APCDOC Automated Job Documentation


Executing a APCDOC DOCCHART and pointing to a Scheduler Job Management database and getting message CASUF905 START JOB NOT FOUND. I am not getting a flowchart. How do I correct this error?


Release: APCDOC00200-1.3-APCDOC-Automated Job Documentation


The APCDOC DOCCHART facility cannot connect to the database for Scheduler Job Management because of the changes in the way Scheduler release 7.3 or higher interfaces with APCDOC.


To add this support you will need to apply APCDOC 1.3 APAR LO99718. There is no new PTF levels for this product and no new service packs.


You then add the Scheduler DD statements listed below to the APCDOC JCL Skeleton member DOCCHART under CASUFCHS and to the CAIPROC member CASUCHTS.


    //CAIJTRK DD DSN=-Scheduler tracking file 
//CAIJMST DD DSN=-Scheduler master file.
//CASSxx DD DUMMY -Scheduler multi-adapter support.


The xx on CASSxx DD is a user-assigned value that becomes part of a unique SUBSYSTEM ID (SSCT).