Datacom STAR 12.0 messages and manuals
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Datacom STAR 12.0 messages and manuals


Article ID: 113140


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Datacom DATACOM - AD Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


Where are the Datacom STAR Version 12.0 manuals and where are the messages, such as ITM message DK0A602E, documented?


The CA Datacom STAR Version 12.0 manuals can be found under CA Legacy Bookshelves and PDFs. Then search for CA Datacom STAR.
The CA Datacom STAR 12.0 BOOKSHELF is available and includes the following manuals in HTML and PDF formats:
   Administration Guide
   Communication Manager Guide
   Installation Guide
   Release Notes

The CA Datacom STAR ITM messages can be found in the CA Datacom STAR Communication Manager Guide.