RC/Query for DB2 for Z/OS : Why does the User (U), Table Authorization (TA) report ignore the QUALIFIER parameter?
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RC/Query for DB2 for Z/OS : Why does the User (U), Table Authorization (TA) report ignore the QUALIFIER parameter?


Article ID: 11312


Updated On: 04-19-2022


RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS


Why trying Report using Object = TA, Option = U, Qualifier =  QUALIFIER, the query seems to ignore the Qualifier condition?


Product : RC /Query for DB2 for Z/OS

Release : R20


When generating a report, a standard screen header is used for most screens. One part of the the RC/Q Main Menu includes the QUALIFIER parameter. 


The RC/Q Main Menu determines the object type and option and the selection criteria for selecting the objects.


The RC/Q Main Menu is used with primary and line commands to control the product operation and to generate DB2 catalog reports. The fields in the RC/Q Main Menu portion of the screen let you identify the exact report you want.


For some reports, the Creator and Qualifier fields in the header are used only to jump to other reports.

The field help for Qualifier on the User Main Menu says:


Description:  The QUALIFIER field is used only for jumping to
another type of report.

The QUALIFIER field is inactive on reports where it is not needed. If the QUALIFIER field is inactive, its field label is simply Qualifier ===> *.

This indicates that the field will be used when jumping to a report like the Package report where the field is active and is called by a specific name.

Online help for the QUALIFIER field on the main menu has a note:

Note: This field is inactive on reports where it is not needed. If
this field is inactive, such as on Table reports, its field label
will simply be Qualifier.  This indicates that the field is used
only for jumping to another type of report, such as a Package
report, where the field is active.



Additional Information

See  RC/Query User Guide, Report Types

User Authorization Reports