How can CA XCOM create a Multi-Volume Dataset on the remote z/OS partner?
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How can CA XCOM create a Multi-Volume Dataset on the remote z/OS partner?


Article ID: 11306


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


How can CA XCOM create a Multi-Volume Dataset on the remote z/OS partner?


Release: CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS
Component: xcmvs


The parameters for SMS dataset creation may be set in two places:

  1. They may be specified when submitting the transfer - in the SYSIN01 for the mainframe; or in the transfer parameters specified when the transfer is submitted on other platforms, such as Windows, UNIX and iSeries.
  2. In the default table of the XCOM server that will actually be creating the dataset. If the parameters are not specified for the incoming transfer, the defaults will be taken from the XCOM DEFAULT Table/config member.

You can specify a multi-volume STORCLAS.


There are two STORCLAS parameters on the mainframe:

STORCLAS - Specifies the 1- to 8-character storage class name to use when allocating a new SMS-managed data set. and
LSTORCLS - Specifies the name of the storage class to be used for a new SMS-managed data set if the name is not specified by the partner.

When sending from one XCOM for z/OS server to another, if you put LSTORCLS in the default table it will govern the creation of datasets being created locally. So both XCOMs will have the same LSTORCLS in the default table and that will cover any datasets being created on either system.

The STORCLAS in the SYSIN01 or transfer parameters will override the default table LSTORCLS for the dataset being created for this transfer by XCOM for either a send or receive.