How to create a custom signatures to find a Software ?
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How to create a custom signatures to find a Software ?


Article ID: 11305


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CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Client Automation uses signatures to find Software, if Content Team has not created signature and you want to find a piece of Software, you can create a custom software definition.

How do you create a custom software definitions ?


CA Client Automation - All Versions


To create custom defined Software Definitions please

  1. Open the DSM Explorer and drill down to Software->Definitions-> Categories.

  2. Right click All Definitions and select 'New Product'.

  3. Give a Name, Version and Manufacturer and click OK. 

  4. You will be prompted to add a new release. Click on 'Yes' 

  5. Under the 'Recognition' Tab  Browse or Type the file that is to be associated with the Release and proceed as prompted. You can also narrow done the choices by Entering the Size , Version , Creation Date and/or Modified Date

Once the new signature has been created and deployed to all Scalability Server, the following command can be executed on Agents to initiate a local full recollection of SW inventory:

caf start amagent args /RESCAN_SOFTWARE /COLLECT

Additional Information

 Under Advanced... you can also create a Custom signature based on System, Package and Registry entries