LookBack API: Can we use LookBack API to learn of changes to users or permissions
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LookBack API: Can we use LookBack API to learn of changes to users or permissions


Article ID: 113007


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Can we use LookBack API to find changes to users including changes to permissions to workspaces and projects? 


For instance, could one generate a log of a user having workspace admin permissions who made some unneeded changes(delete iterations etc) in some projects and left.Is it feasible to have a summary/log of all changes performed by the user(i.e which all projects and what all changes have been made). Is there any way to fetch this data?


Component: ACSAAS


The short answer is: "No".

The LookBack API offers a platform to query the information gathered by the Analytics Service. This service accumulates artifact data and changes to artifact data only. The purpose of this service is allow and make available graphs and charts of artifact data changes over time. This service is not intended to gather changes of users or any other non-artifacts.

Information on changes to users as well as other non-artifact objects can be obtained from the Revision History

Artifact is an abstract type mentioned in the WSAPI docs. Any and all objects that inherit this object are considered artifacts and are picked up by the Analytics service and available to the LookBack API.

Additional Information

More on LookBack API: https://rally1.rallydev.com/analytics/doc/#/manual