Installing Product RSU
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Installing Product RSU


Article ID: 112969


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Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE


Installing a Product RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade)
When applying VM:Tape RSU 1801, available in PTF SO00935, this PTF is in Product Service Upgrade (PSU) format and must be installed using the "Installing a Product RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade)" procedure as shown below. 


This provides information on how to perform a Product Service Upgrade (PSU) from a Recommended Service Upgrade (RSU) installation SERVLINK PTF using VMSES/E.

This installation process updates the installed base product with a preapplied set of published PTFs, and the associated parts prebuilt from the base product files with those PTFs applied:

  • The product BASE minidisks/directories are not changed.
  • The product APPLY and DELTA minidisks/directories are populated with any PTFs included on the RSU that are not already received.
  • The product BUILD minidisks/directories are populated with the prebuilt parts built from the base product files with the PTFs included on the RSU applied.
  • If your APPLY and DELTA minidisks/directories have PTFs applied that are not included on the RSU, those PTFs are flagged as such, then automatically reapplied as part of this process.
  • If you have installed LOCALMODs that are affected by any of the PTFs included on the RSU and that are not already applied, those LOCALMODs will be flagged, and you will be instructed to rework those LOCALMODs.


Note: For more information about the VMSES Product Service Upgrade Process, see the chapter "Using the Product Service Upgrade (PSU)" in the IBM VMSES/E Introduction and Reference manual.

The following is a brief description of the main steps to install a product RSU using VMSES/E.

  1. Plan Your Product Service Upgrade (PSU)
    Use the VMFINS command to load several VMSES/E files from the product RSU SERVLINK PTF (envelope) and to obtain product resource requirements.
  2. Prepare to Receive the Product RSU
    Use the VMFPSU command to determine and resolve the following:
    • A list of all the PTFs that are contained on the RSU but not applied to the product.
    • A list of all PTFs that are applied to the product and not on the RSU.

    • A list of excluded PTFs, if any.

    • A list of the parts with LOCALMODs, if any, that need to be reprocessed after you receive the RSU. Their local modification IDs (modids) are also provided.
  3. Install the Product RSU for the Base Product 
    Use the VMFINS command to load the preapplied service files and the associated prebuilt parts from the envelope to the APPLY, DELTA, and BUILD minidisks/directories.
  4. Update the Software Inventory and Rebuild Objects, if Necessary 
    Use the VMFINS command to update the software inventory to the installed RSU Level. If any objects were flagged to be rebuilt, they will be rebuilt at this time.
  5. Deploy the Upgraded Product at this RSU Level
    Follow the procedure for "Deploying the Product for an Upgrade" to test and implement the new level of code.

Step 1. Plan Your Product Service Upgrade (PSU)

Follow these steps to prepare to receive service.

  1. Prepare the VMANAGER Administration User ID.
  2. Remove Existing Product Base PPF and $PPF Files from the A-Disk.
  3. Load Updated Product Control Files.
  4. Recompile Your PPF Override File Now.

Note: The ppfname used throughout these servicing instructions is ZVMT020A, which assumes that you are using the PPF supplied for VM:Tape™ for z/VM. If you have created your own PPF override file for the product, you must use your override file name instead of ZVMT020A. The ppfname must be used throughout the rest of this procedure, unless otherwise stated.

Step 1.1. Prepare the VMANAGER Administration User ID

Log on to VMANAGER.

The PROFILE EXEC establishes the correct search order for applying service.

It is a good practice to create a backup copy of the current VM:Tape™ for z/VM disks or SFS directories, which contain product materials. Save this backup until you have completed installing the service and you are confident that the service runs correctly.

Make the service envelope (SERVLINK) file available on the A-disk or any minidisk or SFS directory accessed as file mode C.

Setup the installed product materials access search order by issuing the VMFSETUP command as follows:


VMFSETUP ppfname component ( LINK

  • ppfname
    Specifies the value of the PPF filename. In most cases, use the name of the supplied PPF file for this release, which is ZVMT020A. If you have created a PPF Override file, use the file name of your PPF override file.
  • component
    Specifies the name of the component. Use the name VMTAPE for installing on minidisks. Use the name VMTAPESFS for installing on SFS.

Important! The steps in the service application procedure assume that the product search order has been established before you begin the procedure. The search order is lost if disks are released manually, if CMS is restarted by the IPL command, or if you logoff and logon again. If the search order is lost at any time, re-establish it by issuing the VMFSETUP command before proceeding to the next VMFREC, VMFMRDSK, VMFAPPLY, or VMFBLD command.

Step 1.2. Remove Existing Product Base PPF and $PPF Files from the A-Disk

If a ZVMT020A PPF or ZVMT020A $PPF file currently exist on your A-Disk, they must be erased because they may not be consistent with the RSU Level that is being installed. The correct versions of these files will be installed on the software inventory disk. Do not erase any override PPF or $PPF files you may have for this product.





Step 1.3. Load Updated Product Control Files

Load any updated product control files from the RSU envelope file by issuing the following command:



  • INFO
    Specifies that the documentation, including the product service memo, is loaded to the A-disk. Also, an updated PRODPART file, and updated product base PPF and $PPF files are loaded to the software inventory disk.
    Specifies that the Memo-to-Users file is to be loaded, but VMSES/E will not issue a prompt to send it to the system printer. The CMS file type of this file is MEMO.
  • ENV
    Indicates the value following this option keyword, which is the file name of the envelope file for the RSU being installed. The CMS file type of this file is SERVLINK.

Step 1.4. Recompile Your PPF Override File Now

If you do not use a PPF overrride file for this product, then skip this step. Otherwise, you must recompile your PPF override file now. This step enures that your PPF override file is recompiled with the same level of the base product PPF file installed from the RSU. Issue the following command to recompile your PPF override file:


VMFPPF ppf_override *

  • ppf_override
    Specifies the value of your PPF override filename.
  • *
    Specifies that all components in your PPF override will be recomplied.


Note: For more information about handling specific error messages, see the appropriate VM Messages and Codes publication, or use online HELP.

Step 2. Prepare to Receive the Product RSU

VMFPSU compares the VMSES/E service level information files contained on the RSU with those of the current level for the installed base product. VMFPSU then determines what actions must be preformed to complete the installation of the RSU. Enter the following command:


VMFPSU ppfname component

  • ppfname
    Specifies the value of the PPF filename. In most cases, use the name of the supplied PPF file for this release, which is ZVMT020A. If you have created a PPF Override file, use the file name of your PPF override file.
  • component
    Specifies the name of the component. Use the name VMTAPE for installing on minidisks. Use the name VMTAPESFS for installing on SFS.


Note: For more information about handling specific error messages, see the appropriate VM Messages and Codes publication, or use online HELP.

Step 3. Install the Product RSU for the Base Product

VMFINS INSTALL will load all necessary service files and prebuilt parts from the RSU envelope to the APPLY, DELTA, and BUILD minidisks/directories to bring the installed base product to this RSU Level. 


VMFINS INSTALL PPF ppfname component ( ADD NOMEMO ENV envelope

  • ppfname
    Specifies the value of the PPF filename. In most cases, use the name of the supplied PPF file for this release, which is ZVMT020A. If you have created a PPF Override file, use the file name of your PPF override file.
  • component
    Specifies the name of the component. Use the name VMTAPE for installing on minidisks. Use the name VMTAPESFS for installing on SFS.
  • ADD
    Loads the product materials onto disk areas. These materials will later be deployed to a product server for production use.
    Specifies that the Memo-to-Users file is to be loaded, but VMSES/E will not issue a prompt to send it to the system printer. The CMS file type of this file is MEMO.
  • ENV
    Indicates the value following this option keyword, which is the file name of the envelope file for the RSU being installed. The CMS file type of this file is SERVLINK.

Rework Local Modifications

If you receive messages stating that some Local Modifications (LOCALMODs) must be reworked due to new service files being applied, you must rework those LOCALMODs now.

You can use the VMFUPDATE SYSLMOD command to obtain this list:




Step 4. Update the Software Inventory and Rebuild Objects, if Necessary

VMFINS BUILD will update the Software Inventory to indicate this RSU is now the current Service Level for the Base Product. If any objects require rebuild because of reworked LOCALMODs or PTFs that were reapplied, those objects will be rebuilt now.

Enter the following command to update the software inventory:


VMFINS BUILD PPF ppfname component ( SERVICED

  • ppfname
    Specifies the value of the PPF filename. In most cases, use the name of the supplied PPF file for this release, which is ZVMT020A. If you have created a PPF Override file, use the file name of your PPF override file.
  • component
    Specifies the name of the component. Use the name VMTAPE for installing on minidisks. Use the name VMTAPESFS for installing on SFS. 
    Specifies that the Software Inventory Status tables be built, and to rebuild any objectes that require it due to the service being applied.

Step 5. Deploy the Upgraded Product at this RSU Level

To deploy serviced product materials to production, enter the following VMDEPLOY command to copy serviced product materials to the runtime disk space.



  • name
    Specifies the user ID of the product server machine being deployed.
    Copy to the product primary disk space. This value results in overwriting the deployed Product Materials from the product release or version with the new serviced materials. We suggest that you backup all deployed minidisks before using this operand. Restoring the backup could be used to remove a level of service, if needed.
    Copy to the alternate disk space location. This value retains your older product material deployment. Setting the Runtime Environment tag value in the VMSERVER NAMES file to PRIMARY or ALTERNATE causes that set of deployed disks to be used when the product server is next started. Testing the new service, or backing out to the old level just requires setting a new value for Runtime Environment and restarting the server.

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