If you occasionally receive the PMO742A message: CONTROL FILE OVERFLOW - MESSAGES LOST
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If you occasionally receive the PMO742A message: CONTROL FILE OVERFLOW - MESSAGES LOST


Article ID: 11279


Updated On:


PMO Runtime Performance Optimizer


If you occasionally receive the PMO742A message: CONTROL FILE OVERFLOW - MESSAGES LOST.


Release: ESBPMO99000-4.4-PMO-Extended Support-Basic for CA PMO RPO


You should change the CYCLE parm from default CYCLE=10 to a chosen value CYCLE=5 or CYCLE=1

You should test it dynamically with command F PMO,CYCLE=x and be sure to change in Parameter file, if you decide to stay with the new value.

You will need to issue command F PMO,D=ALL on all involved systems whenever PMO742A occurrs on one of the systems.

Setting CYCLE to fewer seconds will reduce the probability of the problem.

To get PMO in sync again, issue a F PMO,D=ALL command on all involved systems is required. This will refresh all the directory information that PMO has stored.

Automation may flag the PMO742A message as an exception, the proper reaction should be that:

  1. F PMO,D=ALL command on all involved systems and

  2. Further lower the CYCLE value, until this does not happen again.