Set the 'Maximum Parcel Size' and 'Throttle Factor' for DTS
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Set the 'Maximum Parcel Size' and 'Throttle Factor' for DTS


Article ID: 11278


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


What process can be followed to change the default settings for DTS parcel size and throttle factor for transfers made via ITCM Software Jobs?


Client Automation - All versions.


Maximum Parcel Size

DTS transfers data in manageable chunks called parcels. The size of the parcel affects many things, including the following:

Overall transfer performance

The bigger the parcel size, the faster the transfer.

System resources the agent uses

The bigger the parcel size, the more memory an agent uses (since it has at least one parcel of data in memory at any given time during a transfer).

Checkpoint restart

After each parcel transfers, it is tagged as part of the automated checkpoint and restart feature. If a failure occurs during the transfer process, DTS can restart the transfer from the last successful parcel transfer.

System or network speed 

When transferring files between agents running on slower systems or over slower networks, transfers can be suspended or fail with the message "Connection failed to address|hostname." This condition can be due to timeouts while processing large parcels of data. If this situation occurs, we recommend reducing the maximum parcel size value for transfers to slower systems.

Throttle Factor

Throttling lets you regulate the amount of network bandwidth used when carrying out data transfers by specifying a delay interval between parcel sends. The throttle factor property specifies the value of the delay. Valid values range from 0 to 100. The default is 0. Each increment in throttle factor increases the delay interval by 50 milliseconds. For instance, a throttle factor value of 20 represents a one second delay between parcel sends.

On slow networks the default 'Maximum Parcel Size' and 'Throttle Factor' may not work and may need to be configured to suit the environment.

This document outlines the procedure to change the 'Maximum Parcel Size' and 'Throttle Factor'.


Solution 1:

ITCM has the ability to set DTS Parcel Size and Throttle factor via Configuration Policy settings in DSM Explorer.

Open DSM Explorer and browse to: Control Panel->Configuration->Configuration Policy->Default Computer Policy
Right-click this policy and select 'Unseal':

Now expand the policy and browse to: DSM->Software Delivery->File transfer
You will see two settings called: DTS: Default maximum parcel size and DTS: Default throttle factor

Set the desired values and then right-click on the 'Default computer policy' and select 'Seal'. The change should apply within a few minutes once policy updates apply to the system.

NOTE: ONLY ONE set of custom values can exist at one time. If you need to set different Parcel Sizes and Throttle factors for different machines or groups of machines, you have to have CCS installed and use the method #2 below instead.


DSM Explorer --> Control Panel --> Configuration --> Configuration Policy --> Default Computer Policy --> DSM --> Data Transport Service (DTS) --> Transfer Object Server --> “Network location of the NOS”

Change the default value from "localhost" to "none".  This will allow ITCM's Software Delivery to manage the DTS maximum parcel size value.


Solution 2:


  • Open 2-D Map by navigating to Start->Programs->CA->CA Common Services->World View->2-D Map or executing 'catng2d' from the command line.

  • Browse to the DTS Manager Machine (TCP/IP Network -> IP Subnet -> IP Segment)

  • Right click and choose 'Open DTS Details'

  • Type the User Name and Password when prompted

  • Configure the Maximum Parcel Size and Throttle Factor as per your requirements