Rotation timing of the Spectrum AlarmNotifier NOTIFIER.OUT file
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Rotation timing of the Spectrum AlarmNotifier NOTIFIER.OUT file


Article ID: 112742


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


1. What is the timing of the creation of the NOTIFIER.OUT.bak file?
2. Is it possible to specify rotate trigger setting such as file size or file generations?


Product Release: All


If Alarm Notifier activity is high, then the NOTIFIER.OUT and bak files can increase in size to the extent that they use excessive amounts of space under



There is no automatic rotation function.

You can manually rotate by using the following commands in a script under Linux:

cd $SPECROOT/Notifier
cp NOTIFIER.OUT NOTIFIER.`date '+%Y%m%d'`
echo /dev/null > NOTIFIER.OUT
* The above commands will create NOTIFIER.yyyymmdd

The timing when the NOTIFIER.OUT.bak file created is the AlarmNotifier.exe process is automatically generated. It is the timing of processd service starts and the SpectroSERVER starts up. 

Under Windows, have Alarm Notifier configured to AUTOBOOTSTART/AUTORESTART in the Alarm Notifier idb file under:


Then use Windows Scheduler to kill the running instance of it periodically since Windows doesn't allow redirection into or deletion of contents of files with open file handlers (unlike Linux).