Installation of Dollar Universe 6 on a specific Windows Server fails with a popup error:
"Checking the access to directories failed ; Verify that you can access to folder data, log and exec."
Nevertheless, all attempts to fix the issue ( changing system user, target drive, target folder, modifying permissions in root structure) produce no effect, installation fails all the time.
In order to find the root cause, the following needs to be done:
1. During installation, as soon as the Popup Error appears, go to the %TEMP% folder and take a look at the log called "DUAS_6_ISS_installation.log" and see if any error appears related to the system environment ( hostname / folders / user...)
You should note, that the log may be found on a parent folder like C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ depending on the System / User
2. In case there are no errors on the previous log, go to the folder %TEMP%\{EC41549E-DE24-484F-BC6C-BF28B8492193}\{B801D14E-99C1-42A9-892F-DC0FB624A4EF} and look for the *.log files and check the ones that have been recently modified.
3. On this case, the log called unitestservice.log will contain the reason of the error:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\4\{C0CD5851-52DD-410A-BAA2-4CFDB7EE37E2}\{B801D14E-99C1-42A9-892F-DC0FB624A4EF}>sc query SRV_DUAS_TEST_INSTALL | findstr 1060
'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
4. The reason being that the Windows PATH variable does not contain the folder C:\Windows\System32 which is the default path for the binary findstr.exe which is used during installation.
Fix the Environment Variable PATH in Windows, you can retrieve a correct definition from another similar Windows Server.
It should start by %SystemRoot%\system32 as displayed on the following screenshot.
After fixing the Windows Path, attempt the installation again, this time it should work fine.