DUAS: Installation fails: "Checking the access to directories failed"
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DUAS: Installation fails: "Checking the access to directories failed"


Article ID: 112737


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CA Automic Dollar Universe


Installation of Dollar Universe 6 on a specific Windows Server fails with a popup error:
"Checking the access to directories failed ; Verify that you can access to folder data, log and exec."

Nevertheless, all attempts to fix the issue ( changing system user, target drive, target folder, modifying permissions in root structure) produce no effect, installation fails all the time.


OS: Windows 


In order to find the root cause, the following needs to be done:
1. During installation, as soon as the Popup Error appears, go to the %TEMP% folder and take a look at the log called "DUAS_6_ISS_installation.log" and see if any error appears related to the system environment ( hostname / folders / user...)
You should note, that the log may be found on a parent folder like C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ depending on the System / User

2. In case there are no errors on the previous log, go to the folder %TEMP%\{EC41549E-DE24-484F-BC6C-BF28B8492193}\{B801D14E-99C1-42A9-892F-DC0FB624A4EF} and look for the *.log files and check the ones that have been recently modified.
3. On this case, the log called unitestservice.log will contain the reason of the error:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\4\{C0CD5851-52DD-410A-BAA2-4CFDB7EE37E2}\{B801D14E-99C1-42A9-892F-DC0FB624A4EF}>sc query SRV_DUAS_TEST_INSTALL   | findstr 1060  
'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

4. The reason being that the Windows PATH variable does not contain the folder C:\Windows\System32 which is the default path for the binary findstr.exe which is used during installation.


Fix the Environment Variable PATH in Windows, you can retrieve a correct definition from another similar Windows Server.
It should start by %SystemRoot%\system32 as displayed on the following screenshot.

After fixing the Windows Path, attempt the installation again, this time it should work fine.