Why I see the status 'Locked by RAC' in some Computers? How to bring back a Computer to 'Operational' status once it is 'Locked by RAC'? Is it possible to disable RAC?
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Why I see the status 'Locked by RAC' in some Computers? How to bring back a Computer to 'Operational' status once it is 'Locked by RAC'? Is it possible to disable RAC?


Article ID: 11272


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CA Automation Suite for Data Centers - Configuration Automation CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


Computers that register to the Domain Manager after they are reinstalled get locked by RAC in order to reinstall all the previously installed Software Packages. 

Why I see the status 'Locked by RAC' in some Computers?

How to bring back a Computer to 'Operational' status once it is 'Locked by RAC'? 

Is it possible to disable RAC?


CA Client Automation - All versions


Software Delivery can restore the state of computers by automatically invoking the 'Reinstall after Crash' (RAC) feature. This happens when the Software Delivery agent reports a new operating system installation. All software that was present earlier will be reinstalled and configured according to the computer's job history stored in the database. During RAC the computer is locked and no other jobs can be initiated or executed on the computer.

In order to reinstall all the previously installed packages, they are deleted from the Agent's Installations folder and a new Job Container is created pending to be activated:

If the reinstallation of the packages is not needed and the machine can be set to Operational, deleting the newly created Job Container will remove the  'Locked by RAC' status and will be set to 'Operational'.

In order to disable RAC behaviour completely the following configuration policy parameter can be set to False:

Important Note:

If RAC is disabled or the 'Locked by RAC' status is removed from the agents all

the desired software packages for the computer must be installed manually.

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