Impossible to export / import bv and jc with error "Premature end of file"
Article ID: 112651
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CA Automic Dollar Universe
While trying to backup the Business Views and Job Chains, the uniimp / uniexp commands fail with the following errors.
On uniexp output: SEVERE: cannot find the BVI data file in com.orsyp.api.Context@
In universe.log: ---------------------------------------------- |WARN |X|IO |pid=p.t| encodeFileResponse |unable to read file [/dollar_universe/data/exp/TXXXXXXXX.bvi] ----------------------------------------------
On uniimp output: importing BVNAME.BV ... Error while creating business view BVNAME.BV. org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line -1 of document : Premature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file.
When displaying the BV and JC from UVC, an empty object is displayed.
All OS
Business View and Job Chains were empty (not correctly created) .
Business view and Job Chains were empty so they could not be exported / imported. Solution: save the business view with some content on it.