Can field placement be changed between the primary CA TPX panel (TEN0041) and the panel displayed after PF11 (TEN0010)?
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Can field placement be changed between the primary CA TPX panel (TEN0041) and the panel displayed after PF11 (TEN0010)?


Article ID: 11264


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Unless modified at your site, after logging on to TPX the user is presented with the primary TPX menu, TEN0041:

04/16/17         TPX MENU FOR      USER01      11:03:50    Panelid  - TEN0041 
                                                           Terminal - 
Cmdkey=PF22       Jump=PF23      Menu=PF24                 Model    - 
Print=NONE        Cmdchar=#                                System   - 
    # Sessid      Sesskey       Session Description            Status          
 _ 11 TPXADMIN    PF            TPX Administration                            
 _ 12 TPXMAIL     PF            TPX Mailbox                                   
 _ 13 TPXVIEW     PF            TPX View                                      
 _ 14 TPXWINDW    PF            TPX Windows                                                                      

Pressing PF11 (usually thought of as scroll right), the user is presented with TEN0010:

                      TPX MENU FOR      USER01             Panelid  - TEN0010 
                                                           Terminal -  
Cmdkey=PF22       Jump=PF23      Menu=PF24                 Model    -  
Print=NONE        Cmdchar=#                                System   - 
     Sessid     Vterm      Applid     Connect Time                            
   _ TPXADMIN              TPXADMIN                                           
   _ TPXMAIL               TPXMAIL                                            
   _ TPXVIEW               TPXVIEW                                            
   _ TPXWINDW              TPXWINDW                                           

Is is possible to move some fields from TEN0010 to TEN0041 and others from TEN0041 to TEN0010?


Release: NVINAM00200-5.3-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


YES, you can move fields between panels TEN0041 and TEN0010 by modifying the panels.

More often than not, moving fields between panels would not be feasible. However, it is possible in this case because both screens are using fields from the UENTRY control block which is the control block for the particular user session.

If you look at Appendix B of the Batch Administration Guide, there is a list of "User Variables (by Variable Name)" and "User Session Variables (by Variable Name)". Any of these which begin with either UIDX or UENT could be used on these panels.

NOTE: Please ensure that you keep any modified panels in a separate library and concatenate this ahead of the delivered panel libraries (CB0VPxxx). It is strongly recommended that customer modifications are always kept separate from the delivered product libraries. For example:

 //PANELS    DD DSN=TPX.CUSTOM.PANELS,DISP=SHR << Customer modified panel library 
// DD DSN=&TPREFIX..CB0VPENU,DISP=SHR << CA delivered panel library
// DD DSN=&TPREFIX..CB0VPENP,DISP=SHR << CA delivered panel library

Additional Information

TPX 5.4 - Batch Administrating - Batch Variables