By default, when UVMS is installed, there is a default System User Pattern that allows Operators operations to every System User.
Sometimes, Dollar Universe Admins prefer to restrict this permissions and assign the group "Read-Only Users".
As a result, unless a specific "System User Pattern" is created for the user that should launch commands like "uxadd fla / uxordre..." and mapped to a Group with Roles that allow it, the commands will fail.
To fix it, create a "System User Pattern" for the user that will launch the command, here you have an example where we will map the user called "username" to the group "Operators":
Then perform a "Full Synchronization" of the node so that this new proxy is pushed to the node.
Finally, relaunch the command that was failing, this time it should work.
If the node was installed with a user account other than root and the issue persists, try to assign the node to the user root with the following:
. /path_to_dollar_universe/unienv.ksh
$UNI_DIR_EXEC/uxrights -m assign -a root
If the UVC user is on a UVMS Subordinate, and you obtain this kind of trace:
Client UniViewer700 UVCUSER on uvc_workstation has 0 security roles
This means that the User to Group mapping may be wrong, to fix it connect to the UVMS Master as a UVMS administrator user and double-click on the UVMS Subordinate and click on "Full Synchronization", after 30 minutes or so, connect to the UVMS Subordinate and click on "Full Synchronization" on the impacted Node and then the user should no be able to perform the needed action provided that the group that he belongs to, has the required roles.