Timeout setting for REST step and HTTP-HTML Request step
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Timeout setting for REST step and HTTP-HTML Request step


Article ID: 112612


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CA Application Test


When trying to access the web application server from the REST step and HTTP-HTML Request step, found that the timeout occurred after about 3 minutes in these steps with this error message.
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
Is it possible to change this time out value from 3 minutes?


Release: All supported DevTest releases
Component: REST Step, HTTP-HTML Request Step


Yes, the timeout value can be changed.
This timeout can control by changing the value of the properties named "lisa.http.timeout.socket"(milli-second). The default value of this property is 180000. Then if the requirement is 15 minutes then set this value as 900000. This property can be set in

  1. local.properties file
  2. config file for the project