UFO IOX Messages and Return Codes
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UFO IOX Messages and Return Codes


Article ID: 11259


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Where are UFO IOX Messages and Return Codes descriptions?


UFO IOX messages are issued by the IOX Access Method, the batch utility IOXMAINT, and the online utility IOXUTIL.

The format of the IOX message is IOXNnnn.


N is the IOX component identifier. Values are:

0: IOX Access Method messages
5: IOXMAINT utility messages
8: IOXUTIL utility messages

nnn is the error code number

Many of the IOX error messages return an IOX return code. The UFO Reference Manual Messages Release 3.2, section 8.5 IOX Return Codes, lists the 2 byte IOX return codes as follows:

00: Successful operation
01: File does not exist in catalog
02: No record found in response to READ
03: End of file found in response to NEXT or PREV
04: No more space available on file
05: GENR specified key higher than highest on file or FRST on empty file
06: Duplicate file in response to AFIL
08: Duplicate record in response to WRIT or RWRT
09: Function invalid
10: INIT - no DSI entry
11: INIT - record size greater than allowed maximum
12: INIT - both VSAM files must have same organization (RRDS or KSDS)
13: INIT - the data space you are trying to initialize already exists
14: Unable to allocate space for record
15: INIT - granule size too small
16: INIT - granule size too large for page
17: INIT - index page too small
18: RWRT attempted to change class-1 key
19: Record upgraded or deleted, but not read for update
20: AFIL - max length less than min length
21: AFIL - invalid format code
22: AFIL - invalid journal code
23: AFIL - no DRE entry
24: AFIL/CFIL - Maximum record length greater than 16384
29: AFIL - specified as fixed, but in not equal to max
30: BLDX - more key portions than bytes in record
31: BLDX - attempted using class-2 index
32: BLDX - duplicate index
33: BLDX - invalid class code
34: BLDX - first class not class 1
36: BLDX - Directory Record overflow
37: BLDX/CFIL - Key Portion will not fit in minimum length record
38: BLDX - No Key Portions
39: BLDX - Duplicate Key on class 1
40: BLDX - no IDE entry
41: DIDX - tried to delete primary index
42: DIDX - user entered file name, not index name
43: DFIL - user entered index name, not file name
44: Record operation attempted without an index
45: Function not supported on catalog
50: CDSI - no DSI entry
51: CFIL - attempt to increase minimum record length
52: CFIL - invalid journal code
53: CFIL - attempt to change minimum/maximum record length on fixed-length file
54: CFIL - attempt to decrease maximum record length
55: Attempt to write record of invalid length (less than min or greater than max)
90: Unable to access data space
91: Unable to update data space.

Additional Information

Refer to the CA UFO Reference Manual Messages for a complete list of IOX messages.