Where does the TIRM888E error message occur?
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Where does the TIRM888E error message occur?


Article ID: 112572


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


Where does the TIRM888E error message occur for a CA GEN CICS module without a CA GEN GUI front end?


CA Gen release 8.6


The server in CICS will create a response buffer in a CA Gen specific format and send that to the client which sent the request.
• If that is a Gen Client, that client knows how to interpret the response and display the message on the GUI.
• If that client is not CA Gen, then it typically is a Proxy and that, too, should know how to interpret the results.
• If the Gen Client is something else, then it is up to that client to interpret the returned message.