When testing Dollar Universe 6, the performances of the commands uxsubjob / uxstpjob or the bench of the submission of a lot of jobs to DQM takes longer than version 5.
For example:
a) On Dollar Universe 5.6, uxsubjob takes around 8 ms, whereas in 6.9.21 it takes around 12ms (setting IS_BATCH_ENV_LOADED=Y on the environment).
b) On Dollar Universe 5.6, uxstpjob takes around 7 ms, whereas in 6.9.21 it takes around 12ms (setting IS_BATCH_ENV_LOADED=Y on the environment).
c) DQM submission to a logical queue with Job Limit set to 1 job:
On Dollar Universe 5.6, submitting 1000 jobs ( that exit immediately) take 60 seconds
On Dollar Universe 6.9.21, it takes around 105 seconds