Is the message, "No work selected for Application", an error?
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Is the message, "No work selected for Application", an error?


Article ID: 11250


Updated On:


DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


User is having issues with one application not running on a regular basis. User is getting this error message by email: "No work selected for Application".

Following messages may be seen in the tracelog:

 [Sat Mar 20 09:35:01 EDT 2010] [DE_INSTANCE] - Retrieve EVENT
 [Sat Mar 20 09:35:01 EDT 2010] [DE_INSTANCE] - Event SCHEDMASTER.SOMEEVENT
 successfully read
 [Sat Mar 20 09:35:15 EDT 2010] [DE_INSTANCE] - Simulate EVENT
 [Sat Mar 20 09:35:15 EDT 2010] [DE_INSTANCE] - No work selected for Application

What is the cause of this message - "No work selected for Application"?


Release: DSWAHA01300-12-Workload Automation DE-High Availability


"No work selected for Application" is an informational message.  The application associated with the event does not have any jobs to match the "Run Frequency" criteria.  No jobs can/will run when the event will be triggered.  Check application and jobs run frequency field.

Additional Information

Suppress Event Trigger Notifications When No Work is Selected