How can I use FastCopy extended capabilities, including selecting members by a name pattern, when FastCopy has been globally disabled?
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How can I use FastCopy extended capabilities, including selecting members by a name pattern, when FastCopy has been globally disabled?


Article ID: 11245


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Endevor PDSMAN


The PDSMAN FastCopy facility is a high-speed, transparent replacement for IEBCOPY. It performs most IEBCOPY PDS and PDSE functions and provides many additional capabilities that are not available in IEBCOPY.

One of these additional capabilities is the ability to specify a member name pattern on IEBCOPY member SELECT and EXCLUDE control statements.

How can FastCopy be used to copy members using member name patterns such as SELECT M=(ABC*) when FastCopy is globally disabled by a PDSMAN Initialization Control Statement setting of:



In this case, automatic use of FastCopy has been disabled by the specification of the FASTCOPY=N parameter on the PDSMAN $IEBCOPY Initialization Control Statement. This prevents FastCopy from being substituted for IEBCOPY and makes the additional capabilities offered by FastCopy, including member name patterns, unavailable.

  • To enable FastCopy at the job step level, add the following DD statement to the JCL:  //FCOPYON DD DUMMY
  • To enable FastCopy for a specific user, specify FASTCOPY=Y along with the USER= parameter on the $IEBCOPY control statement.
  • To enable FastCopy globally, specify FASTCOPY=Y on the $IEBCOPY control statement. This is the PDSMAN best practice for this setting.

Additional Information

A valid license for the PDSMAN FastCopy and Library Space Reuse feature is required to execute FastCopy.

Additional information is available in the following documentation: