Database is unavailable in CSA
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Database is unavailable in CSA


Article ID: 112429


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The Clarity database for MSSQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL is showing up as unavailable.


The error is thrown in the nsa-ca, app-ca, or bg-ca logs.

This can be due to one or more of the following reasons:

1. The database does not exist on the database server
2. The JDBC connection descriptor is invalid
3. The database server is down.


Check with the DBA team to make sure the following steps have been performed:

  1. The Clarity database has been created/imported and accessible
  2. The CSA > Database page needs to have valid properties provided.
    • Hostname
    • Database user
    • Database password

If a JDBC URL is being used, make sure the connection descriptor is valid.
In Oracle 12c+, the JDBC URL string will need to be modified to use the service name instead of the SID.